Saturday 3 March 2018

My Journey Continues: Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Replacing Guilt. *Trigger Warning: May offend those not ready to start living*

Feeling guilt has not done me any good. Taking responsibility for mistakes and feeling guilty are 2 different things. Guilt is wishing you can change what happened. Taking responsibility is learning from it, accepting what is, and moving forward. When I'm overwhelmed with guilt, it's because there's a discrepancy in my self-acceptance and ability to forgive myself. Feeling guilty is the opposite of showing myself kindness. Showing ourselves kindness and forgiveness are apart of repairing the cracks in our foundation. I am human and I'm doing my best, but it's not enough to me. I'm capable of so much more.

I started watching Scandal and I have watched How to Get Away With Murder. Olivia Pope and Annaliese Keating are two very powerful, self-assured women that no one can walk on and who have complete confidence in their own abilities. They are two women that no one will go toe to toe with. I strive to accomplish such traits. Do those women wallow in their mistakes? No. They recognize them and move the hell on. They are not the type of women to throw themselves at the mercy of an unworthy employer, or cry about something so miniscule. Strong, powerful, unshakeable women. That is who I strive to be. And there's not a single reason (That rings true) that I can't be the strong, unshakeable woman staring back at herself in the mirror. This is why limiting beliefs are so harmful. I may not be a lawyer, or a doctor, or the District Attorney for the Whitehouse on a political drama, but I will be one hell of a nutritionist and author that people will beg to work for. Aspiring authors, dedicated dieticians, and folks that know my work is effective and undeniable will come to me needing my help. I am willing to learn to be a top notch woman inspiring others all around the globe, and one hell of a woman that doesn't fall for the "corporate ladder" scheme, or the 18$/hour bullshit. I am becoming a strong, fierce woman on top of the world. I am not at the mercy of just another employer... some other entrepreneur who has made their own dreams come true and now I'm just another number.

Do you hear what I'm saying? You can do this too! Do not be fooled by the age-old "get a job, make a little money, etc..." How many of you that read this have been fed the same old lines over and over again since you can remember? The only way to make money is hauling in a Paycheck every two weeks. Work up the ladder and you'll be successful with a pension. None of this involves creating your own success or putting value on yourself and what you bring to the world. It essentially strips you of any value, and advises you to not think of yourself as valuable because "you haven't earned it". I call BULLSHIT. Release those limiting beliefs that have been holding you back and keeping you in fear of doing it yourself. You will step on some toes, and people will try to make you apologize for that. Don't. The only toes you will step on are the ones that get in the way, and want to see you fail. So ask yourself this. What would Olivia Pope or Annaliese Keating say? Or better yet, what would the top-notch, fierce, 'Take no shit' YOU say?

Are you going to cry? Back down from what you want? Are you going to ask politely to become a successful individual, or are you going to TAKE what rightfully belongs to you? The success, financial freedom, the backbone to change the world? The people who have accomplished these things did not ask nicely. They went, found it, and took it. They took action. But if you don't BELIEVE it's possible, then you're absolutely right. But if you can find it in you somewhere, that it's possible.... then you're right about that too. Stop crying, stop whining, use your angst to take MASSIVE action in your life.  Fuck those limiting beliefs you've had shoved down your throat. GO AND TAKE WHAT'S YOURS AND DON'T WASTE ANOTHER SECOND.

Peace and Love.


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