Sunday 4 March 2018

How To Start Telling Yourself YES Now!!!

I have written posts on self-assurance, trusting yourself, and how everything that happens in your life is connected. I think you're all ready to finally start telling yourself YES and assuring yourself and trusting yourself that if you tell yourself yes, it immediately becomes possible! Everything is within your reach.

So let me ask you this: Who is your hero? Who have you found yourself idolising? Why do you idolise that person? What traits do they possess that really caught your attention? Who can you think of that is living a similar life that you have always wanted or dreamed of?

So why aren't you living that life?
Why is it possible for them, but not for you?
What is stopping you?

This is when you're going to come face to face with those limiting beliefs I wrote about  in my last post. Write them down. Ask yourself what's stopping you from living the life of your dreams or having what you want, and write down the answers that come to mind. Some of your answers may include things like:
"I wasn't born into that life"
"I have bills to pay"
"I can't just quit, where will money come from?"
"It scares me"
"Because I have a job"
"I don't know how to get there"
or simply "I can't" (you have no idea the kind of power those 2 simple words have over you)

Every person that has ever had true, meaningful success in whatever way they wanted, didn't take no for an answer. They never relied on someone else to tell them "yes, you can be successful in this" or "yes, here's your success or here's what you want". STOP ASKING FOR PERMISSION! The only person who is able to give you an accurate representation of what you're capable of, and will allow you to do it, is none other than YOU! Family, friends, people you love the most will all have some sort of doubt, and while they mean well, will begrudgingly tell you about all these things that could go wrong should you persue your goal or idea. Of course, they are trying to be practical, but there's a whole lot of people who thought Operah's ideas were impractical. I'm sure there's a lot of people who tried to tell Tony Robbins he shouldn't do it because of such and such going wrong or that it was unlikely he would succeed.

Do you think the people you look up to asked permission to become successful or to become the type of person they are? Do you think for one second they were never told no? The difference, is that they told themselves YES! I'm sure they encountered disappointment and discouragement. But they picked themselves up, said "HELL YES!" and kept on moving. They didn't sit there and cry, because another person didn't have confidence in them. They didn't whine to all their friends and then didn't try any harder, or a different way. They got up, found another way, and made that shit happen.

The time is NOW folks! What are you waiting for? Success is the road less travelled. First, ask yourself what your ideal life is. What is your dream life/career/relationship/home, etc? Write it down in such detail, you're actually visualising it in your mind. As soon as all the "but this" and "but that" enter your mind, CHANGE IT TO...."I'M SAYING YES TO MY DREAMS. I CAN DO THAT, OR AT LEAST I'M WILLING TO LEARN"

I am telling you yes. But that doesn't matter because the only yes that matters is the one you give yourself. Start practising saying yes to yourself. Absolutely nothing is out of your reach unless you believe it to be.

Success also doesn't have to be fame and money (though if you want it to, it can certainly lead to that). To me, success is living my life on my terms. It's becoming a fierce woman that doesn't take no, and pushes through to what I want, and God help those that try to get in my way. Having my own lucrative business helping people change their lives, and collaborating with someone like Tony Robbins at a seminar. That shit is possible for me because I say it is. Mr. Robbins doesn't know it yet, but we are working together in the future.  ;) And I laugh because I know how that must sound to people that aren't ready to start living, but are perfectly content with just existing.


Get out there, and go for what you want, regardless of what everyone else thinks of that.

Peace and Love


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