Thursday 1 March 2018

My Journey Continues: The Cracks in My Foundation

Self-doubt, worry, anxiety, and stress are all cracks in my foundation. My foundation is made of self-assurance, self-trust, and confidence that I can handle anything thrown my way. No matter what, I'm always given opportunities to repair the cracks in my foundation by staying strong, and reminding myself "I can do this". Do I take advantage of those opportunities? Not always. That's because I've always relied on an employer, a significant other, a job, or a friend to assure me and believe in me. I've never practised positive self talk because I always gave that power to others. I never realized just how big of a weight that is until now. That's a huge power, and with great power comes great responsibility. In turn, that is a lot of responsibility to require of others, when It is something I have been capable of all along.

I understand now, why so many people have left. They grew tired, and handed me back the power of my self-assurance. But I wasn't strong enough because I always expected others to carry it. My self-love, self-assurance, and self-trust are all my responsibility. I didn't get that until now. And it's been a long time coming.

Is it nice when someone tells you it's all going to be okay? Absolutely! Should you rely on them saying it in order for you to believe it? Absolutely not!

Positive affirmations, positive self-talk, and being willing to learn and embrace all things that come your way will mould and repair the damages in your foundation. Sometimes, the cracks run so deep, our subconscious sabotages our efforts with disbelief and self-discouragement. So tweak it. Instead of saying "I am...", say "I am willing to learn...". Your subconscious is more likely to accept that, and you can build on it from there. Slowly, but surely, your foundation of self-trust will become strong and unshakeable. Trust yourself, for you are capable of making miracles happen in the midst of chaos.

So what are you needing to tell yourself right now to begin repairing the damages from the inside out?

"I am willing to learn that everything is working out, and that I can handle everything that gets tossed my way."

And remember this: Life is like sitting around a fire on a windy day. Be ready to adapt to the ever-changing conditions, and be ready to change direction at a moment's notice.

Peace and love.


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