Friday 20 April 2018

When It's Important to Take a Mental Health Day

   I write this as I break my routine for a day to watch Vampire Diaries and type out blog posts and work on Forward Momentum. The original plan was to go to the gym, come back and do my two hours of studying, then do one hour of writing, and then meditate. But I left halfway through my circuit at the gym because being "motivationally" yelled at for 30 minutes can sometimes make my anxiety 10x worse. Then I was festering things that were said days ago. Then the thought of doing anything routine except for showering made me anxious and sort of angry. Even though I have everything scheduled to ensure I get everything done, I was stressing about slacking on my writing. My writing is my outlet for everything I feel inside. It's the way I organize my thoughts and feelings and get them out without lashing out or saying things I regret. So why would I slack on my writing? I have found the one constructive, healthy way to cope with anxiety and being hyper-emotional and I've been putting it off. Now here I am. The thought of writing all day while watching my favorite genre of show suddenly offered me complete relief to the point I felt like crying because anxiety is mentally and emotionally exhausting. That's when I knew I needed to take a mental health day. 

   When you try to force yourself to do things you would otherwise enjoy, or you feel obligated to do, you learn to resent those activities and it just makes you more pissed off. Experiencing emotional turmoil is also a sign that your vibrations are low and that's when you start attracting more bad feelings which in turn will attract unwanted things into your life. This is why it's so important to do things that will raise your vibrations and offer you relief rather than more anxiety and negative feelings. So sometimes you just have to say "fuck it" and break your routine so you can do things that will allow you to let go of whatever you were feeling before. 

   Most people tell you to go to the gym, take a walk, meditate, take a breath, but none of that works for me because it leaves me alone with my thoughts to fester and make me feel crappier. Spend the day doing something that you find to be an outlet for you. It's so important to acknowledge what your body and mind is trying to tell you. While it's unhealthy to stew in your emotions, it's healthy to know they are there and take the time to heal and deal. If your mind is telling you to take a break and your body feels tense and uptight, it's important to listen to that instead of trying to push through and ignore it. Take a mental health day and don't feel bad about it. Don't feel guilty about taking care of you. I will get back to my studies tomorrow after I get back from the amazing day trip I'm taking with friends :) 

Have a wonderful self-care day all! :)


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