Wednesday 28 February 2018

"Thank God" (You're Firing Me)

   As a reader, you're probably confused as to why anyone would say "Thank God You're Firing Me". Well, I can tell you that this was my exact response to being handed the termination letter in my termination meeting. It wasn't only my general response. I said this out loud and caught everyone completely off guard. Truth is, I went into that meeting, hoping against hope, that this would happen. While they coldly threw the letter at me (yes, the letter actually left her hand before it hit the table), and tossed me out like the leftovers they didn't want, but still too cowardly to even look me in the eye, I put on a huge smile and said "THANK GOD." Well, the blonde, fuzzy headed woman snapped up from her handling of my file and said "What does that mean?" I just shrugged and she went on to treating me like a bag of garbage she had forgotten to take to the curb and obligingly read her copy of my letter to me. It was as if she could be doing better things. Other things that were more important than being kind, taking into consideration that usually being let go is a huge deal to human beings. But not she, nor the "man" to her right had any interest in seeing me as human or a person that was losing their job.

Thank God You're Firing Me.

You asked what I meant by that. Well, at the time I only half knew. But now, I can give you a full answer to your question.

Thank God I won't be working for you for another second

Thank God I can begin to heal.

Thank God I can Persue the next chapter of my life. You thought you hurt me? You only helped me, yet I give you no credit for my strength

Thank God I can move on and fall in love with an amazing career

Thank God you did me a huge favour by saving me the trouble of quitting

Thank God my power and my life belong to me again.

Thank God you showed me your true colours before I invested another second into your company

Thank God you showed me how to never treat a person who works for me. While I have always considered myself kind, you showed me the true meaning of kindness by doing the opposite. You should consider that when dealing with your staff.

Thank God I'm not still working in a field of employment where I love my clients but have my soul sucked out by power tripping management that you like to call "leaders".

So really...I don't mean to thank God. I mean to thank you! You gave me back my power in the most painful way possible. And for that, I'm better than my job. I treat people better than you do. I am a leader and you helped push me in that direction. You have helped me succeed in so many ways, and not while I worked for you. After you threw my letter at me, I became powerful again. I began to heal, and the huge wave of relief is continuing to wash over me with every passing minute. So thank you for firing me!




  1. Prior to me being Self Employed disappointment after disappointment seemed to be following me into every new job I partook in. The last job that say my services were not longer required, my reaction was similar. I smiled said Thank you for the experience and was glad to be out of there. I have not looked back once.

    My Husband says that I seem happier and more in control of my life and what I want to do, who I want as a client and best of all how many hours a week that I want to work. Being able to choose your client rather than being forced to work for a horrid boss is a little easier on the nerves and better for your health.

    God Bless and look after number one! Best of luck

    Anne McDonald

    1. Thank you Anne for your response! I'm looking after me now!
